Tartaglione, Minimum Wage Supporters Fan Out Across PA to Urge Increase to $10.10

PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 29, 2014 – Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione, advocates and members of Raise the Wage PA today marched to Gov. Tom Corbett’s office here to finally urge his endorsement of legislation that would increase Pennsylvania’s minimum wage to $10.10 an hour.

Raise the Wage PA’s “statewide action day” featured similar rallies in nine other cities.

Sen. Tartaglione’s Senate Bill 1300 would incrementally increase the commonwealth’s minimum from $7.25 to $10.10. Her companion proposal, Senate Bill 1099, would increase the tipped minimum wage to 70 percent of the regular base hourly rate.

“We continue our fight because Pennsylvania is falling behind dozens of other states that have already agreed that raising the minimum wage is the right thing to do,” Tartaglione said today. “Our front-line workers have not been able to sustain themselves on $7.25 an hour for years.

“Mandating that they receive a fairer $10.10 an hour would be good for them and it would be good for their employers and their communities. Most studies show that a more livable minimum wage will help more than it will hurt,” she said.

Gov. Corbett and leading Republican lawmakers have so far refused to consider her proposals and those presented by other House and Senate members.

Meanwhile, 10 states and Washington D.C. raised their minimum wage rates this year to bring the total count of states with higher base hourly wages to 23 plus D.C.

As Tartaglione and Raise the Wage PA were marching today from Fergie’s Pub to the governor’s office, rallies in support of a higher minimum wage were happening – or had happened – in Allentown, Altoona, Erie, Harrisburg, Media, Morrisville, Pittsburgh, Reading and York.


Siga a la senadora Christine Tartaglione en Facebook y en su sitio web.

Tartaglione Joins Call to Deliver Hate Crimes Protections for PA’s LGBT Residents

HARRISBURG, Sept. 23, 2014 – Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione today stood with advocates and fellow state lawmakers as they called for immediate action to expand Pennsylvania’s hate crimes statute to include lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered citizens.

“We cannot sit idly as people attack our relatives and neighbors because they disagree with their sexual orientation,” Tartaglione said. “Too many people are being attacked and/or killed because of these hate crimes. We must do more. We need to bring them under this protective umbrella.”

The General Assembly’s Equality Caucus, Equality PA and many advocates rallied in the Capitol this morning to urge the adoption of Senate Bill 42 and House Bill 177 and expand the state’s hate crimes law.

Specifically, the legislation would extend Title 18 language under the ethnic intimidation clause of Chapter 27 to include ancestry, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender and gender identity.

“We urged the adoption of these bills today because we are outraged by the Sept. 11 attack in Philly of two gay men,” Tartaglione said. “But we are as equally outraged by all of the hateful attacks against the LGBT community, and we can no longer just talk about doing something.

“We need the Republican-controlled committees that are holding SB 42 and HB 177 to bring them up for a vote, move them to their respective floors, and finally deliver.”



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Sen. Tartaglione’s Senior Expo Delivers Important Info to Hundreds

PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 18, 2014 – Hundreds of 2nd Senatorial District residents learned about beneficial services and vital information today during the second of state Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione’s three senior expos.

Attendees also had the opportunity to have free vision, blood pressure and prescription drug screenings and reviews during the event, which was held at the Philadelphia Protestant Home.

“So many services exist in Pennsylvania that can dramatically improve the golden years for our older relatives and neighbors,” Sen. Tartaglione said. “Bringing so many organizations together in one place shows how dramatic the breadth of public support really is.

“I’ve planned three senior expos this year because I want everyone in my district who is older than 50 to know that help is available.”

Tartaglione’s first expo happened Sept. 11 at the Mayfair Community Center on St. Vincent Street. Her next expo, set for Oct. 16, will take place at Community Academy of Philadelphia Charter School, 1100 E. Erie Ave.

People who attended today’s event received free tote bags and boxed lunches.



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Editor’s Note:  The following vendors attended Sen. Tartaglione’s senior expo:

AARP: Medicare Supplement

AARP: Pennsylvania

Aetna Better Health CHIP

Always Best Care Senior Services

Associated Services for the Blind & Visually Impaired


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Cigna-Health Spring (Bravo)

Coalition Against Hunger

Delaware Valley Cremation Service

Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disability Services

Dr. Donna Skerry

Ema Care Pharmacy

Eye Care Vision

Foot Comfort Center

Gateway Health Plan

Gateway Funding

Golden Times

Greater Philadelphia Health Action Inc.

Health Partners Plans

Heron Companions

Independence Blue Cross

Independence CHIP

Isabelle Neris Consultant

Jewish Relief Agency

Keystone VIP Choice

Legal Clinic For the Disabled

Marilyn Burstin

Mental Health Association of SEPA-Successful Aging Taskforce

Hospital Nazaret

New Courtland

PA Attorney General Bureau of Consumer Protection

PA Housing Finance Agency

PA Initiative on Assistive Technology (PIAT)

PA Office of Consumer Advocate

PA Public Utility Commission

Policía Estatal de PA


PECO Smart Ideas

Peter Bressi Northeast Senior Center


Philadelphia Police Department: 2nd District

Philadelphia City Commissioners Office

Philadelphia City Controller

Philadelphia Corporation for Aging

Philadelphia Fire Department (SAPFA)

Philadelphia Gas Works

Philadelphia Police Department Special Victis Unit

Philadelphia Sheriff’s Office

Philadelphia Streets Department:Traffic

Philadelphia Water Revenue

Philadelphia Water Department

Register of Wills

Rhawnhurst NORC

Rite Aid

Senior Care Max

State Representative Cohen

Tax Consultant Financial Services

Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS)

Temple Ready Care

Temple University School of Pharmacy

Washington Savings Bank

Sen. Tartaglione Urging Fire Companies, Volunteer Ambulance Services, Rescue Squads to Apply Now for State Grants

PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 9, 2014 – Fire Departments, volunteer ambulance companies and rescue squads needing financial assistance to buy equipment, make renovations or repairs to their facilities or train new members should act soon to apply for a state grant, Sen. Christine Tartaglione said today.

Pennsylvania’s “Fire Company, Volunteer Ambulance Service Grant Program” is accepting applications until Oct. 17.

“Emergency responders who dedicate their lives to protecting the lives of others can take steps to improve their services by applying for this state grant,” Tartaglione said. “With better facilities, new equipment and added training, our first responders can help to save more lives and protect more property.”

All fire departments, volunteer fire companies and volunteer rescue companies are eligible for grants of between $2,500 and $15,000. Volunteer ambulance services can receive between $2,500 and $10,000, according to the Office of the State Fire Commissioner.

Grants may be used to help pay to build or renovate facilities; buy or fix items that are “necessary to maintain or improve the capability of the company to provide fire, ambulance and rescue services;” buy or repair equipment; reduce debt; and train and certify members.

The application and requirements of the grant program are available on the fire commissioner’s website.


 Siga a la senadora Christine Tartaglione en Facebook y en su sitio web.

El senador Tartaglione entrega material escolar gratuito a estudiantes y electores en el parque Wissinoming; se empapa en el desafío ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

FILADELFIA, 21 de agosto de 2014 - La senadora estatal Christine M. Tartaglione visitó hoy el parque Wissinoming para continuar su serie de picnics con los electores, repartir mochilas y material escolar gratuito a los niños y experimentar el frío vertido de un cubo de hielo a beneficio de la Fundación ALS.

"Es bueno estar de vuelta en Wissinoming Park", dijo Tartaglione. Hoy han surgido nuevas amistades, los niños han recibido material escolar gratuito donado por la comunidad y las empresas locales, y todos hemos disfrutado de una buena comida".

"Hacer el Desafío del Cubo de Hielo ALS fue una sorpresa escalofriante, pero fue una experiencia estimulante - una que nunca olvidaré - y estoy contenta de ser parte de un movimiento nacional para ayudar a poner fin a una enfermedad cobarde", dijo mientras desafiaba a los senadores Mike Stack, Vince Hughes y Anthony Hardy Williams. Mike Stack, Vince Hughes y Anthony Hardy Williams a dar un paso al frente en la lucha contra la ELA.

Desde su improvisado inicio el mes pasado, el Ice Bucket Challenge ha generado unos 42 millones de dólares, según la Fundación ALS. En comparación con los esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos durante el mismo período en 2013, eso es 20 veces más dinero recaudado.

La ELA es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa progresiva que afecta a las células nerviosas del cerebro y la médula espinal. La degeneración progresiva de las motoneuronas en la ELA acaba provocando su muerte. Y, cuando las motoneuronas mueren, el cerebro pierde su capacidad de iniciar y controlar el movimiento muscular. Los pacientes en las últimas fases de la enfermedad pueden quedar totalmente paralizados.

El picnic de hoy en Wissinoming Park ha sido el tercer acto organizado por la senadora Tartaglione en todo el distrito. Ella picnic con las familias y los electores en Burholme Park la semana pasada y Norris Square Park el 7 de agosto.

El material escolar entregado a los niños fue donado y recogido entre empresas y residentes durante el reciente acto "Stuff the Bus" del senador Tartaglione.

"Mi más sincero agradecimiento a las empresas y particulares que ayudaron a hacer realidad estos picnics comunitarios", dijo el senador. "Hacemos esto porque es importante saber quiénes somos como vecindario. Compartimos intereses comunes y queremos que nuestros hijos aprendan y tengan éxito.

"También queremos enviar la ELA a los anales de la historia de la medicina, y esperamos que nuestro Ice Bucket Challenge nos haya acercado también a eso", afirmó.


Siga a la senadora Christine Tartaglione en Facebook y en su sitio web.

Nota del editor: Las siguientes empresas contribuyeron al picnic del senador Tartaglione:

Always Best Care Senior Services

Aramingo Soprite

Embotelladora de Coca-Cola



Molinos Forman

Socios sanitarios

Impacto Latino

JL Entertainment LLC

Partes interesadas en Kensington EPIC

Keystone Primero

La Fortaleza

Mayfair Shop N Bag


Hospital Nazaret

Soluciones PECO


Cooperativa Federal de Crédito de Filadelfia

2º Distrito de Policía de Filadelfia

Distrito Policial 15 de Filadelfia

Distrito 26 de la Policía de Filadelfia

Farmacia de Filadelfia

Ministerios de West Kensington

Los niños y las comunidades se benefician de la visita de la serie de picnics del Senador Tartaglione a Burholme Park

FILADELFIA, 12 de agosto de 2014 - Cientos de niños se preparan para volver a la escuela con los útiles que necesitan, y las comunidades del Distrito Senatorial disfrutan de un poco de diversión veraniega con el último picnic patrocinado por la senadora estatal Christine Tartaglione.

La senadora y su equipo visitaron hoy el histórico Burholme Park y entregaron mochilas y material escolar gratuito a cientos de niños. Los suministros fueron donados y recogidos de empresas y residentes durante el reciente evento de la senadora Tartaglione "Stuff the Bus".

"Los escolares de Filadelfia son inteligentes, apasionados y quieren aprender", dijo el senador Tartaglione. "La mayoría de la gente conoce los problemas financieros del distrito escolar y cómo los republicanos de Harrisburg los han utilizado como peones políticos.

"Estos picnics son una forma importante de devolver algo a los niños y asegurarnos de que tienen lo que necesitan para su regreso a las aulas, de modo que puedan tener éxito académico", afirmó.

En el primer picnic comunitario de Tartaglione, celebrado la semana pasada en Norris Square Park, se entregaron 600 mochilas y material escolar, además de aperitivos y bebidas gratis.

La visita de hoy a Burholme Park es la primera para la senadora, ya que los 85 acres entre las avenidas Cottman y Central estaban situados fuera de su distrito antes de que la legislatura redibujara los límites senatoriales.

El Senador Tartaglione tiene previsto visitar el Parque Wissinoming, en la avenida Frankford, el próximo jueves 21 de agosto.


Nota del editor: Las siguientes empresas contribuyeron al picnic del senador Tartaglione:

Always Best Care Senior Services

Molinos Forman

Keystone Primero

Aramingo Soprite

Embotelladora de Coca-Cola



Socios sanitarios

Impacto Latino

JL Entertainment LLC

Partes interesadas en Kensington EPIC

La Fortaleza

Mayfair Shop N Bag


Hospital Nazaret

Soluciones PECO


Farmacia de Filadelfia

Distrito26 de la Policía de Filadelfia

Ministerios de West Kensington



Siga a la senadora Christine Tartaglione en Facebook y en su sitio web.

Property Tax Relief? Sen. Tartaglione Says Homestead Tax Exemption an Available Option, but Deadline Approaching

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 12, 2014 – State Sen. Christine Tartaglione today said time is running out for property owners to shave hundreds from their annual tax bills through Pennsylvania’s Homestead Exemption.

The deadline to apply for the exemption is Sept. 13.

“Applying for a Homestead Tax Exemption could shave more than $400 from an annual bill if the taxable value of a home is reduced by $30,000,” Sen. Tartaglione said.

There are no age or income requirements for the Homestead Exemption, and even people who are tax delinquent can apply.

To apply:

  • Call or visit one of Sen. Tartaglione’s district offices, 1061 Bridge St. (215-533-0440) or 127 Susquehanna Ave. (215-291-4653), Philadelphia.
  • Call the Homestead Hotline, 215-686-9200
  • Visit www.phila.gov/opa
  • Download and mail the paper application from the website

Tartaglione said approved applicants will have the credit applied to their 2015 property tax bill. If property owners have already applied, they do not need to re-apply.



Siga a la senadora Christine Tartaglione en Facebook y en su sitio web.

El farsante presupuesto de Corbett para 2014-15 obtiene el voto negativo del senador Tartaglione

HARRISBURG, 30 de junio de 2014 - Debido a su fracaso para ayudar a los niños en edad escolar en Filadelfia y en toda Pensilvania, porque priva a los veteranos y 500,000 residentes de seguro de salud muy necesario, y porque requiere hocus pocus para hacer que los números funcionen, la senadora estatal Christine Tartaglione dijo esta noche que votó "no" en el presupuesto de $ 29,1 mil millones de Corbett.

"Este es el cuarto año consecutivo que el gobernador intenta equilibrar el presupuesto de Pensilvania a costa de los escolares, los profesores, los participantes en la red de seguridad social y los barrios", dijo el senador Tartaglione. "Probablemente será el cuarto año consecutivo en que no consiga terminar el año fiscal en números negros.

"La dependencia de este nuevo plan de gasto de esperar, rezar y sacar conejos de sombreros republicanos es abrumadora, y no es una buena política.

"Los contribuyentes de Pensilvania deben aguantar, porque el temor es que la economía de la mancomunidad esté peor el año que viene por estas fechas. Algunos piensan que podríamos estar intentando averiguar cómo pagar un déficit de 2.500 millones de dólares.

"El gobernador es el dueño de este presupuesto y de su déficit de ingresos de más de 1.500 millones de dólares. No es culpa del gobernador Ed Rendell y no puede culpar de este plan de gastos al presidente", dijo el senador. "El gobernador Corbett es responsable y debe rendir cuentas de este fiasco presupuestario".

Tartaglione dijo que el gobernador debe ceder y aceptar finalmente ampliar el programa Medicaid de Pensilvania. No hacerlo, dijo, impide que 500.000 residentes del estado y 23.000 veteranos estén cubiertos por un seguro de asistencia sanitaria.

El nuevo presupuesto suprime fondos de los programas de creación de empleo y reurbanización, que, según Tartaglione, son vitales en los débiles esfuerzos del Estado por generar nuevos puestos de trabajo.

En concreto, el senador dijo que el presupuesto del gobernador suprime la mitad de la línea Pennsylvania First, que ofrece subvenciones de oportunidad, formación laboral personalizada e inversiones en polígonos industriales; quita casi el 50 por ciento de los programas Keystone Communities, como Main Street, Elm Street y fondos para vivienda; y silencia los fondos que se reservan para atraer nuevas empresas.

"Los republicanos pregonarán los 300 millones de dólares añadidos a la educación en este presupuesto. La verdad es que las escuelas han sido lamentablemente mal financiados durante el mandato del gobernador y tienen un largo camino por recorrer para financiar la estabilidad", dijo Tartaglione. "Esto es especialmente cierto en el Distrito Escolar de Filadelfia, donde la política de la semana pasada ha amenazado con aniquilar a los escolares de Filadelfia.

"Una vez más, debido a la falta de liderazgo del gobernador y a su incapacidad para asumir la responsabilidad de las malas decisiones presupuestarias, los alumnos, los profesores, los orientadores y las enfermeras escolares soportarán la carga de este plan de gastos", dijo Tartaglione.



Siga a la senadora Christine Tartaglione en Facebook y en su sitio web.

Tartaglione Votes Yes on Medical Marijuana Bill

HARRISBURG, June 27, 2014 – State Sen. Christine Tartaglione today voted in favor of a proposal to legalize the use of medical cannabis in Pennsylvania.

The Senate Law and Justice Committee, of which Sen. Tartaglione is a member, approved an amended Senate Bill 1182 this afternoon.

“Too many children who suffer countless seizures, too many adults with glaucoma, and too many people with chronic illnesses have suffered for too long in Pennsylvania,” Tartaglione said following the committee’s vote. “I am proud to have been able to help send this long overdue proposal to the Senate for its consideration.

“Medical marijuana, once it is finally legalized, will deliver much needed relief for Pennsylvanians who need it,” she said.

SB 1182 now looks to incorporate best practices from other states that allow medical cannabis. Medical uses in PA would include using extracted oil, edible products, ointments, tinctures, and vaporized medical cannabis.

Patients who want to buy medical cannabis would be required to get an access card from the state Department of Health. The access card would only be awarded after the department validates that an individual has a practitioner-patient relationship, and has written confirmation of a qualified medical condition that can be treated with medical cannabis.

Access cards will cost patients $100, and patients must be Pennsylvania residents.

The bill would also create an eleven-member State Board of Medical Cannabis Licensing under the Department of State, which would oversee all regulations of the cannabis industry, investigate applicants for licenses and occupation permits, and all powers to deny, revoke, or suspend a license.


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‘Roberto Clemente Way’ Heading to Philly, Sen. Tartaglione Reports

‘Roberto Clemente Way’ Heading to Philly, Sen. Tartaglione Reports

HARRISBURG, June 17, 2014 – A hero to millions of baseball fans and Latinos, state Sen. Christine Tartaglione said today she is pleased the Pennsylvania Senate has approved a bill to make a section of West Erie Avenue in Philly, “Roberto Clemente Way.”

Clemente played Major League baseball for 18 years with the Pittsburgh Pirates. He died on Dec. 31, 1972, while flying to Nicaragua with relief supplies for earthquake victims.

“Roberto Clemente transcended the black and gold baseball uniform he wore for the Pirates,” Tartaglione said following the Senate’s unanimous approval today of House Bill 1831. “He was loved – and continues to be loved, admired and held up as an example of what it means to be a compassionate human being; even where baseball fans root for the Phillies.”

Congress posthumously awarded Clemente its Congressional Gold Medal in 1973, the same year he became the first Latin-born baseball player to be elected to the baseball Hall of Fame.

During his baseball career, Clemente won 12 consecutive golden gloves and won four batting crowns. Despite his success on the field, his top salary as a ball player came in his last year with the Pirates: $150,000.

The Pirate great was flying to Nicaragua to make sure the clothing, food and medical supplies he was delivering were not stolen like previous shipments.

“Roberto Clemente Way will serve as a proud reminder of a man many people still respect and want to be like. We should be as humbled as he would have been on this day. To have his presence in this great neighborhood is a wonderful thing,” Tartaglione said.

Roberto Clemente Way will stretch from North Second Street in Philadelphia to North Front Street.


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Tartaglione Lauds Construction Trades’ Apprentice Program, Urges Young Workers to Get Involved

HARRISBURG, June 10, 2014 – With hundreds of union workers filling the Capitol Rotunda today, state Sen. Christine Tartaglione applauded the apprentice program operated by the Pennsylvania State Building & Construction Trades Council and urged students and others to participate.

In the next 20 years, Sen. Tartaglione said Pennsylvania’s construction industry will need about 50,000 new workers to replace the men and women who today are masons, electricians, glaziers, pipe layers and roofers.

“The people who will make up that new workforce are right here,” Tartaglione said during a rally held by the council. “They are the apprentices, the coordinators, the constructors and members of the building trades unions that are gathered here today.

“Union apprenticeship programs lead to good-paying, long-lasting, successful career in the construction industry where there is a high demand for skilled workers now and in the future.”

There are about 7,000 construction apprentices registered in Pennsylvania today and 82 percent of them, or 6,570, are unionized construction apprentices, officials said.

“Without new workers to fill openings in the industry, we will not be able to continue the important and necessary work,” Tartaglione said. “Union apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship training programs make sense because they offer a promising career for young people and they graduate into available jobs and good wages.”


Siga a la senadora Christine Tartaglione en Facebook y en su sitio web.

Sen. Tartaglione, ‘Raise the Wage PA’ Rally Again to Urge Minimum Wage Increase

HARRISBURG, June 3, 2014 – State Sen. Christine Tartaglione rallied inside the Capitol today with Raise the Wage PA to again urge legislative action on proposals to increase Pennsylvania’s minimum wage and deal with the paltry hourly rate established for workers who receive tips.

“Someone in the House or the Senate has proposed a bill to increase Pennsylvania’s minimum wage 13 times during this session,” Tartaglione said. “And, 13 times, Republican leaders and Gov. Tom Corbett have decided those bills will not be considered even in committee.

“As state after state acts to protect their hardworking, frontline employees, the people who could help Pennsylvania’s hourly employees thumb their nose at them instead,” she said.

“Republicans are blocking proposals to increase Pennsylvania’s minimum wage because they listen to fear mongering instead of learning what this country’s best economists overwhelmingly conclude about minimum wage increases. That clear message is minimum wage increases help way more than they hurt,” Tartaglione said to applause.

“Our own Department of Labor and Industry found that the last time Pennsylvania increased its minimum wage in 2007, the overall number of jobs ‘hit an all-time high’ and the increase ‘did not materially impact the overall health of Pennsylvania’s economy’,” the senator said.

Sen. Tartaglione has proposed four of the 13 bills to increase the minimum wage. Her current proposals, Senate Bill 1300 and Senate Bill 1099, would incrementally increase the commonwealth’s base hourly rate from $7.25 to $10.10 by 2016 and set the tipped minimum to 70 percent of the regular minimum wage, respectively.

Once enacted, SB 1300 would direct future increases be tied to inflation.

Today was Raise the Wage PA’s lobby day in Harrisburg. The rally was part of the advocacy group’s activities to convince state lawmakers that increasing the minimum wage needs to happen now.

Studies have shown that increasing Pennsylvania’s minimum wage would help more than one million residents.

“The ongoing Republican opposition to increasing the minimum wage and lifting hardworking men and women out of poverty makes no sense,” Tartaglione said. “It is incalcitrance, only, that is keeping this from happening in Pennsylvania. Gov. Corbett is the head incalcitrant here. Hopefully, he and leading members of the GOP will finally listen to us today and increase the minimum wage.”


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El senador Tartaglione da la bienvenida al Ejército de Salvación e insta a que se estudie un proyecto de ley para clasificar sus vehículos de servicio en caso de catástrofe como vehículos de emergencia.

HARRISBURG, 6 de mayo de 2014 - Con docenas de trabajadores del Ejército de Salvación vestidos de uniforme visitando el Capitolio estatal, la senadora Christine Tartaglione recordó a los legisladores que su proyecto de ley para incluir sus vehículos de respuesta a desastres en la lista de vehículos de emergencia aprobados de Pensilvania está a la espera de consideración.

El proyecto de ley 1098 del Senado permitiría a los trabajadores del Ejército de Salvación conducir hasta los lugares de la catástrofe cuando el acceso esté restringido al personal y los vehículos de emergencia.

"Esto permitirá al Ejército de Salvación llegar a los incidentes con mayor rapidez para que sean capaces de mantener a las personas vivas y seguras hasta que llegue la ayuda médica", dijo el senador Tartaglione. "En este momento, la ley de Pensilvania impide que el Ejército de Salvación haga estas cosas como personal de respuesta a emergencias, lo que está obstaculizando su impacto y arriesgando la vida de nuestros seres queridos". "

El SB 1098 otorgaría al Ejército de Salvación la capacidad de utilizar legalmente sirenas y luces de emergencia al responder a un incidente; algo que actualmente está prohibido.

El Ejército de Salvación cuenta con 35 unidades móviles de alimentación repartidas por toda Pensilvania, lo que permite a sus equipos de servicios de emergencia en caso de catástrofe responder anualmente a cientos de incidentes, como incendios, materiales peligrosos, llamadas a la policía y al servicio de urgencias médicas.

El año pasado, el Ejército de Salvación proporcionó más de 2 millones de comidas a los necesitados de Pensilvania, y atendió a más de 1,9 millones de personas a través de sus programas comunitarios locales.

Además, el Ejército de Salvación proporciona asistencia alimentaria, refugio de emergencia, servicios sociales, programas para la tercera edad y la juventud, y servicios de emergencia en caso de catástrofe.

"Por todo lo que hace el Ejército de Salvación - por su desinterés, generosidad y compasión hacia las personas necesitadas en cada una de nuestras comunidades - le debemos a esta organización nuestra gratitud", dijo Tartaglione. "Y, le debemos a esta organización nuestro pleno apoyo y asistencia para obtener financiación adicional y para ser reconocidos como vehículos de emergencia bajo el Código de Vehículos".


Siga a la senadora Christine Tartaglione en Facebook y en su sitio web.

Tartaglione Says New Fast Food Executive Pay Study Another Reason Why PA Should Increase Minimum Wage

HARRISBURG, April 23, 2014 – A national public policy organization’s study of how the salaries of fast food industry executives continue to blow away the measly pay of their frontline workers has state Sen. Christine Tartaglione demanding once again that Pennsylvania Republicans act now to increase the commonwealth’s minimum wage.

Demos said today that the CEO-to-worker pay ratio in the fast food industry was a whopping 543-to-1 in 2012. Between 2000 and 2012 the overall average ratio was 332-to-1.

“As of today, according to Demos’ study, fast food executives make an average of $3,937 an hour while their cashiers, cooks and maintenance crews who work in Pennsylvania pocket a paltry $7.25 an hour,” Tartaglione said.

“This study is important because it goes to the heart of opponents’ arguments that a meager, incremental increase in the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour would somehow be unaffordable. Clearly, it would be very affordable in the fast food industry,” the senator said.

As Tartaglione underscored in Demos’ study, “Fast Food Failure,” income inequality like this could jeopardize Pennsylvania’s economy and the companies operating in the fast food industry.

“The most unequal sectors are among those providing the greatest numbers of new jobs in the economy, replacing jobs in sectors with lower income inequality,” Demos’ executive summary states. “Income inequality is increasing legal, regulatory, and operating risks for fast food firms. Millions of dollars in legal fees, increasing customer wait times, and labor unrest are evidence of the systemic problems of income inequality in fast food.”

Pennsylvania is one of the last Northeast states to adopt an increase in its minimum wage, but Sen. Tartaglione has proposed legislation to change that.

Her Senate Bill 1300 would incrementally increase Pennsylvania’s minimum wage to $10.10 an hour by 2016. Her proposal to increase PA’s tipped minimum wage to 70 percent of the regular minimum wage, Senate Bill 1099, is also waiting for consideration.

Since proposing SB 1300 March 18, a new coalition, “Raise the Wage PA,” has formed; Connecticut increased its minimum to $10.10; AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka began to actively push for the nationwide adoption of the $10.10 hourly rate, and Maryland recently approved an increase in its minimum.


Siga a la senadora Christine Tartaglione en Facebook y en su sitio web.

Tartaglione Heralds Maryland’s Approval of Minimum Wage Hike; Congress’ Vote to Extend Jobless Benefits

HARRISBURG, April 8, 2014 – With another state voting overwhelmingly to increase its minimum wage, state Sen. Christine Tartaglione said today that Republicans and Gov. Tom Corbett are in danger of telling tens of thousands of hardworking Pennsylvanians they aren’t worth the same consideration.

Sen. Tartaglione said she is also pleased to see that the U.S. Senate approved a bill to restore extended benefits to the country’s long-time unemployed.

“Maryland has now joined New Jersey, New York, Ohio and Delaware as our neighbors who show they care about the people who must work minimum wage jobs. Pennsylvania’s continued inaction on this front becomes more pathetic by the vote,” Tartaglione said.

“Make no mistake about why this is not happening in the commonwealth. The only reason why Pennsylvania’s minimum wage is not moving up with every other state’s is Republican leadership and Gov. Tom Corbett,” she said.

Tartaglione introduced a new bill, Senate Bill 1300, last month to incrementally increase Pennsylvania’s minimum wage to $10.10 an hour by 2016. Maryland voted yesterday to make its base hourly rate the same $10.10 by 2018. Her proposal to increase PA’s tipped minimum wage to 70 percent of the regular minimum wage, Senate Bill 1099, is also waiting for consideration.

“What is more outrageous,” Tartaglione said,” is there are other proposals before the General Assembly that Republican leaders and Gov. Corbett could consider. But they have proven by their silence that this is more about them and less about the people they represent.”

Since proposing SB 1300 March 18, a new coalition, “Raise the Wage PA,” has formed; Connecticut increased its minimum to $10.10; AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka began to actively push for the nationwide adoption of the $10.10 hourly rate, and now Maryland has approved an increase in its minimum.

In addition to the higher base hourly wage, Tartaglione’s SB 1300 would increase the fines and penalties for companies that violate the new law, provide for increased enforcement of the state’s minimum wage act, and it would allow municipalities that have a higher cost-of-living to consider a higher minimum wage.

Tartaglione also noted the U.S. Senate’s vote to extend federal jobless benefits through May 31.

“This bill faces an uncertain future in the U.S. House, but the Senate’s vote is a huge step forward for about 2 million workers who have been devastated by the recession and need this assistance to help them get back on their feet,” Sen. Tartaglione said.


Follow Sen. Christine Tartaglione on Facebook and her website.

Tartaglione aboga por un aumento del salario mínimo a 10,10 dólares

HARRISBURG, 28 de marzo de 2014 - Con otro estado del noreste aumentando su salario mínimo y el mayor sindicato del país tomando medidas esta semana para apoyar el esfuerzo, la senadora estatal Christine M. Tartaglione dijo hoy que los legisladores de Pensilvania no deben interponerse en el camino de la oleada de apoyo.

"Cada día alguien, en algún lugar, está de acuerdo con el argumento de que aumentar el salario mínimo es lo correcto y tiene un impacto mínimo o nulo en la economía", dijo Tartaglione. "Los habitantes de Pensilvania están esperando que sus legisladores estatales tomen nota y hagan también lo correcto".

Desde que el 18 de marzo propusiera el proyecto de ley 1300 del Senado para elevar el salario base por hora de la Commonwealth de 7,25 a 10,10 dólares la hora para 2016 y vinculado a la inflación, se ha formado una nueva coalición, "Raise the Wage PA", Connecticut ha aumentado su salario mínimo a 10,10 dólares y el presidente de la AFL-CIO, Richard Trumka, ha empezado a presionar activamente para que se adopte a escala nacional la tarifa de 10,10 dólares la hora.

Trumka y los partidarios del salario mínimo se concentraron el jueves frente al Museo de Arte de Filadelfia para seguir presionando a los legisladores estatales y al gobernador Tom Corbett.

Un salario mínimo más alto no sólo es bueno para los trabajadores, como dijo Trumka, sino que también tiene otras repercusiones positivas.

"Es bueno para la comunidad... para el país... y bueno para todos", dijo el líder de la AFL-CIO en el mitin.

Tartaglione asistió a la manifestación y coincidió con Trumka.

"La gente que habla mal de los aumentos del salario mínimo simplemente no entiende lo que es trabajar más de la mitad de sus horas de vigilia por lo que equivale a cacahuetes", dijo Tartaglione. "Desgraciadamente, la mayoría de los trabajadores con salario mínimo en Pensilvania ni siquiera pueden permitirse comprar cacahuetes".

Además del aumento del salario mínimo, el SB 1300 de Tartaglione aumentaría las multas y sanciones para las empresas que infrinjan la nueva ley, dispondría una mayor aplicación de la ley estatal sobre el salario mínimo y permitiría a los municipios con un coste de la vida más elevado plantearse un salario mínimo más alto.

Tartaglione también está impulsando la consideración legislativa del proyecto de ley SB 1099, que aumentaría el mínimo estatal de propinas de 2,83 dólares la hora al 70% del mínimo normal.


 Siga a la Senadora Christine Tartaglione en Facebook y en su sitio web.

Sen. Tartaglione Says PA Minimum Wage Should be $ 10.10/Hour

HARRISBURG, March 18, 2014 – State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione said today she will replace her proposal to increase Pennsylvania’s minimum wage to $ 9 an hour with a new bill that would increase it to $10.10 by 2016.

Minimum wage increases under Senate Bill 1300 would be tied to inflation once the base hourly rate hits $10.10.

“A rising tide lifts all boats,” Sen. Tartaglione said during a rally to increase the minimum wage with “Raise the Wage PA.” “Pennsylvania’s hardworking women and men must have a fairer shake when it comes to paydays. They are drowning today with the paltry $7.25 they make each hour.

“To the critics who say an increase in the minimum wage will hurt the economy: you are wrong. Studies and history show that increases in the minimum have very little to no negative impact on the economy,” she said.

Citing a University of California-Berkeley study released last week, Sen. Tartaglione said the evidence in that review shows increases in the base hourly rate might mean small rises in the prices of products but it also sparks higher worker productivity and a more positive impact on businesses.

While other state lawmakers have proposed bills to provide a higher minimum, Tartaglione said she believes an incremental increase to $10.10 an hour is the more reasonable compromise. However, the senator’s new proposal would allow municipalities that have a higher cost-of-living to consider a higher minimum wage.

“We must act now to make sure people who are working 60-to-80-hour weeks and crazy hours are still not stuck in poverty once they are paid,” Tartaglione said. “And, once this becomes law, we must make sure minimum wage workers are covered if inflation affects their buying power.”

“Increasing the minimum wage benefits everyone,” she said.

In addition to the higher minimum wage, Tartaglione said SB 1300 would increase the fines and penalties for companies that violate the new law, once adopted. It would also provide for increased enforcement of the state’s minimum wage act.

The Philadelphia Democrat had proposed a legislative package to increase Pennsylvania’s minimum from $7.25 to $9/hour (SB 858) and the tipped minimum from $2.83/hour to 70 percent of the regular minimum. While her latest proposal would increase the minimum wage even further, she said she continues to support raising the tipped wage to 70 percent of the minimum.


Siga a la senadora Christine Tartaglione en Facebook y en su sitio web.

Sen. Tartaglione to Announce Significant Change to Minimum Wage Bill

HARRISBURG, March 17, 2014 – State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione said today she plans to unveil a new version of her proposal that would increase the minimum wage for Pennsylvania’s working poor.

Tartaglione’s announcement will come at 3 p.m. Tuesday, March 18, during a press conference in the Capitol Media Center with “Raise the Wage PA,” a statewide group fighting to realize a higher hourly base rate for workers.

The Philadelphia Democrat has already proposed legislation to increase Pennsylvania’s minimum from $7.25 to $9/hour (SB 858) and the tipped minimum from $2.83/hour to 70 percent of the regular minimum.

Media coverage is encouraged.

WHAT: Sen. Christine Tartaglione to unveil new minimum wage legislation

WHEN: 3 p.m., Tuesday, March 18

WHERE: Capitol Media Center, Harrisburg


Follow Sen. Christine Tartaglione on Facebook and her website.

Apply Now for Autism-Related Mini-Grants, Sen. Tartaglione Urges

HARRISBURG, March 13, 2014 – Pennsylvanians and families with relatives who have autism spectrum disorder should act now to apply for mini-grants of up to $500, state Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione said today.

The deadline for applications is March 31.

“These special grants are designed to help families and individuals who are unable to receive various support systems due to eligibility criteria, age or long waiting lists,” Sen. Tartaglione said. “What is nice about this program is the money does not have to be re-paid.”

The Department of Public Welfare’s Bureau of Autism Services is making the mini-grants available and will award them between May 1 and June 30.

To qualify, an applicant must meet all of the following requirements:

  • A Pennsylvania resident,
  • Diagnosed with or have a family member diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, and
  • Not receiving or enrolled in any family support services for the past 12 months.

For more details and the link to the application, click here or call Sen. Tartaglione’s office at 215-533-0440.


Follow Sen. Christine Tartaglione on Facebook and her website.

Tartaglione y los demócratas del Senado ofrecen una solución para proteger los sistemas de pensiones y ahorrar miles de millones a los contribuyentes

HARRISBURG, 12 de marzo de 2014 - La senadora estatal Christine M. Tartaglione dijo hoy que apoya una propuesta que ahorraría miles de millones de dólares a los contribuyentes de Pensilvania y resolvería los problemas de pensiones del estado.

La propuesta, presentada por miembros del Grupo Demócrata del Senado del legislador de Filadelfia, refinanciaría 9.000 millones de dólares de los 50.000 millones de pasivos no financiados que ahora poseen el Sistema de Jubilación de los Empleados del Estado y el Sistema de Jubilación de los Empleados de las Escuelas Públicas, reformaría aún más las leyes de pensiones estatales para impedir que las escuelas concertadas reciban reembolsos estatales por partida doble, y reduciría los collares de los pagos estatales y de los distritos escolares para proporcionar un alivio presupuestario a corto plazo.

"Esta es una propuesta audaz que promete aliviar inmediatamente la presión sobre los sistemas de pensiones del estado", dijo Tartaglione. "La apoyo porque evita los costosos desafíos judiciales que traerán otras propuestas, y tranquiliza a miles de trabajadores estatales, educadores y jubilados que no se verán afectados por los intentos de cambiar las reglas de participación."

La senadora Tartaglione dijo que también se siente alentada por la propuesta, ya que se basa en la Ley 120, que implementó importantes reformas de pensiones en 2010, incluyendo la entrega de $ 3 mil millones en ahorros para la mancomunidad y los distritos escolares.

Las reformas de la Ley 120 limitan los collarines para los empleados actuales; reducen el collarín, o multiplicador, para los nuevos empleados del 2,5% al 2,0%; devuelven el periodo de adquisición de derechos de 5 años a 10; eliminan las retiradas a tanto alzado por parte de los empleados en el momento de la jubilación; y establecen normas de "riesgo compartido" para los nuevos empleados.

"Con la propuesta presentada hoy por los demócratas del Senado, los pagos de pensiones del distrito escolar disminuirían en 600 millones de dólares en los próximos cinco años, incluyendo 75 millones de dólares en 2014-15", dijo Tartaglione. "Además, los pagos combinados de SERS y PSERS de la Commonwealth se reducirían en 1.200 millones de dólares durante el mismo período de tiempo, incluyendo 120 millones de dólares en el próximo ejercicio presupuestario".


Tartaglione Says Gov’s Election Year Budget Still Shortchanges Workers

PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 4, 2014 – Despite his claims to the contrary, Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposed $29.4 billion budget for the 2014-’15 fiscal year continues to slight Pennsylvania’s workers, state Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione said today following his annual budget address.

“Corbett talked about ‘Pennsylvania’s comeback’ but that cute campaign slogan flies in the face of the reality of how this Pennsylvania economy continues to kick workers in the stomach,” Tartaglione said.

“The governor’s budget wish list is for a state in an alternate universe. He has failed to implement policies that create jobs in Philadelphia and across the commonwealth. His continued reluctance to demand an increase in the minimum wage continues to hurt citizens who have to work two or more minimum wage jobs to make ends meet,” she said.

Tartaglione said Corbett’s insistence that Pennsylvania has replaced nearly all of the jobs lost during the first three years of his administration is also a farce.

“Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate is 6.9 percent because people who have been trying to find employment have stopped looking out of sheer frustration, not because they have found suitable replacement jobs,” the senator said.

“He said he is seeing Philadelphia as a stronger place. How would he know? He was afraid to come to the city, according to the most recent news reports.

“There simply is not a big enough coat to hide the problems of Pennsylvania that have ballooned since Gov. Corbett took office. From job loss, failure to address health care, fiscal health, education, social safety net issues and the minimum wage the problems have spiraled,” Tartaglione said.

Sen. Tartaglione has proposed two bills to increase Pennsylvania’s minimum and tipped-minimum wages. SB 858 would hike the minimum from $7.25/hour to at least $9/hour, while SB 1099 would hike the base wage for waiters, waitresses and others to 70 percent of the minimum wage rate. Future hourly wage increases would be tied to the Consumer Price Index.


Follow Sen. Christine Tartaglione on Facebook and her website.

Tartaglione y los demócratas del Senado detallan sus prioridades presupuestarias y destacan los fracasos de Corbett en el presupuesto

Filadelfia, 30 de enero de 2014 - Los demócratas del Senado se reunieron hoy en siete comunidades de Pensilvania para desafiar al gobernador Tom Corbett a producir un plan de gastos que esté alineado con las necesidades de los residentes de Pensilvania.

La senadora Christine Tartaglione se unió a los senadores de Filadelfia para destacar el impacto negativo de los anteriores presupuestos de Corbett y describir por qué el próximo presupuesto es tan importante.

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"El presupuesto estatal de Pensilvania es una identificación de prioridades y una estrategia de inversión", dijo el senador Tartaglione. "Podemos hacerlo mejor que lo que el gobernador Corbett y su administración han proporcionado.

Tartaglione y los demócratas del Senado dijeron que sus prioridades presupuestarias reflejan las necesidades compartidas por todos los Pennsylvanians, incluyendo la creación de empleo, la expansión de la atención de salud a través de Medicaid, el aumento del salario mínimo, la reparación de la red de seguridad social y la restauración de los fondos de educación.

"Bajo el liderazgo del gobernador Corbett, Pensilvania ha caído a la parte inferior en la creación de empleo y la eficiencia del gobierno, y debemos hacer un mejor trabajo en la identificación de las prioridades políticas", dijo. "Los demócratas del Senado tienen planes concretos para hacer avanzar al estado y nuestro método de pago no implica un aumento de impuestos de base amplia".

Los demócratas del Senado dijeron que impulsarán lo siguiente en este presupuesto:

  • Creación de empleo mediante la financiación de proyectos específicos de rehabilitación del agua y el alcantarillado, el refuerzo de los programas de transición de la escuela al trabajo y la ampliación de las zonas económicas comunitarias en todo el Estado;
  • Invertir en educación con un impulso de 300 millones de dólares, reforzar los fondos para la educación temprana y comprometerse con un plan de financiación a largo plazo que restablezca la financiación;
  • Aumentar el salario mínimo del estado hasta al menos 9 dólares la hora, indexar el salario a la inflación y aumentar el salario mínimo por propina;
  • Ampliar Medicaid y extender la asistencia sanitaria a 500.000 familias de Pensilvania, generando al mismo tiempo un ahorro presupuestario de 400 millones de dólares.
  • Reparar los agujeros de la red de seguridad social destinando 85 millones de dólares de ahorro presupuestario de Medicaid a programas de servicios humanos como los de drogodependencia, alcoholismo y salud mental.

La senadora Tartaglione dijo que sus prioridades para el nuevo presupuesto son que el Estado restablezca la financiación de la educación y que el gobernador tome por fin la iniciativa de aumentar el salario mínimo.

"El salario mínimo en Pensilvania es actualmente de 7,25 dólares la hora", dijo. "Eso no es suficiente para que una persona que vive en este estado pueda pagar el alquiler, comprar un coche o comprar alimentos para sí misma, y mucho menos para una familia. Mi legislación aumentará el salario mínimo de forma incremental hasta los 9,00 $/hora para 2015, después de lo cual aumentaría automáticamente cada año con la inflación."

Sin un salario base adecuado que sea competitivo con los estados vecinos, Tartaglione dijo que las iniciativas educativas, si el gobernador propone alguna, serían discutibles.

"Toda la educación y preparación profesional del mundo no ayudará a las generaciones presentes y futuras si no garantizamos el acceso a empleos de calidad y a ingresos de calidad cuando se gradúen", dijo el senador. "Ahora mismo, tenemos demasiados empleos con salario mínimo y demasiados trabajadores con formación y sobrecualificados con salario mínimo.

"Tenemos que garantizar que las personas que trabajan a tiempo completo puedan mantenerse a sí mismas y a los miembros de su familia", afirmó.

Los demócratas del Senado dijeron que ofrecerán una reacción inmediata al discurso presupuestario del gobernador tras su intervención programada ante la Asamblea General el 4 de febrero.



Tartaglione Urges Legislature, Governor to Follow President, Raise Minimum Wage

PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 29, 2014 – State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione today applauded President Barack Obama for his decision to use his executive powers to increase the minimum wage to $10.10/hour for new federal contract workers.

She urged Pennsylvania’s legislature and Gov. Tom Corbett to similarly act to raise the state’s base hourly rate, as well as the tipped hourly minimum.

“We need decisive leadership on the minimum wage. It is why I have been working non-stop to raise the base hourly rate in Pennsylvania to a level that lifts our hard-working men and women out of poverty and into a more self-sustaining quality of life,” Tartaglione said.

“The president’s decision to lift the minimum for new federal contract workers is great news and his actions must be replicated now. Other states, including our neighboring Ohio, New York and New Jersey, have already increased their minimum wage rates for 2014.

“Better yet, New Jersey and Ohio have tied future increases to the rise or fall of the Consumer Price Index, which removes the political opposition to this most basic of social safety net provisions,” she said.

Tartaglione’s Senate Bill 858 would raise Pennsylvania’s minimum wage from $7.25/hour to $9/hour by 2015.

“Unfortunately, my bill has been before lawmakers for too long and I think it should be amended to raise Pennsylvania’s minimum to at least $10 an hour,” the senator said today. “I also believe future minimum wage increases should be tied to the Consumer Price Index.”

Tartaglione has also crafted legislation, Senate Bill 1099, to increase the minimum hourly rate for tipped employees to 70 percent of the regular minimum wage. The tipped minimum has been stuck at $2.83/hour since 1999.


Follow Sen. Christine Tartaglione on Facebook and her website.

Tartaglione Says Grant Opportunity Would Help Schools Get Students Physically Fit

PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 23, 2014 – State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione today urged schools in the 2nd Senatorial District to apply for a grant to participate in the most complete Presidential Youth Fitness Program and help their students improve their fitness and wellness.

Applications are due by Jan. 31.

“The free version of the Presidential Youth Fitness Program will help many schools teach the importance of taking care of the body and the mind, but if districts are able to participate in the full fitness curriculum, the results will be dramatic,” Tartaglione said.

Schools awarded grants will enable participation in the program for the 2014-’15 school year plus the following two years.

Only six states require physical education in every grade and only 20 percent of districts require daily recess.

The program believes that active kids get better grades, miss fewer days of school, are better behaved, and have better self images.

To learn more about the program, visit www.pyfp.org.



Follow Sen. Christine Tartaglione on Facebook and her website.

Court’s Voter ID Ruling Should Be End of Farce, Tartaglione Says

PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 17, 2014 – State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione today urged Gov. Tom Corbett and his Department of State to heed the Commonwealth Court ruling striking down Pennsylvania’s bad voter ID law.

The law had required all voters to produce approved photo identification prior to casting their votes in election.

“From the beginning, the Corbett administration’s voter ID push was a farce. It found its way into Pennsylvania’s law books because it was a one-sided, misguided attempt to control election outcome in the name of preventing fraud.

“Judge McGinley’s statement that ‘The right to vote … is irreplaceable, necessitating its protection before any deprivation occurs’ is spot on and should be a clarion call to this administration that this farce needs to end now.

“The petitioners did a great job proving there is very little fraud in Philadelphia and throughout the state.

“Millions of dollars have already been wasted in trying to convince judges that Pennsylvania’s voter ID law somehow fits in with the state and U.S. constitutions. Gov. Corbett need not waste any more taxpayer dollars defending this edict before the state Supreme Court.

“Let us return elections to the generations of registered Pennsylvania voters who have gone to the polls with only their signatures. It is what we expect. It is what should be.”



Follow Sen. Christine Tartaglione on Facebook and her website.